
Update: New and Leisurely @HML

If you haven’t stopped by to check out (and I mean literally)
the new Leisure Reading Collection yet, perhaps some
of these new titles will tempt you:

Cheer! : Three Teams on a Quest For College Cheerleading’s Ultimate Prize
by Kate Torgovnick

The author spent one year following three different squads in their quest from tryouts to the National Championship. Now considered an extreme sport by some, competitive cheerleading is not your grandmother’s pom squad.

A Life With Karol: My 40-Year Friendship with the Man Who Became Pope
by Cardinal Stanlislaw Dziwisz

Written by Pope John Paul II’s personal secretary, this memoir reveals new details of the papacy of Karol Wojtyla, including clandestine ski trips and walks through Rome incognito.

by Ted Dekker

A profiler who has devoted most of his career to tracking a serial killer known only as Eve is targeted to be her first male killing, her first “Adam”. A failed attempt on his life leaves "Adam" with the knowledge he has seen the killer’s face, but the trauma of the event suppresses his memory and hinders the search for Eve.

New books arrive almost weekly. Check back soon for an in-depth review of James Patterson’s latest thriller, 7th Heaven, also from the Leisure Reading Collection.


Focus Group Sessions

Hackelmeier Memorial Library wants your input. As part of the strategic planning process we are asking faculty, staff, and students to assist us in gathering information to assist in creating the library of the future at Marian College. We are asking ourselves, what kind of impact will the various opportunities and challenges inherent in an "Idea" economy have on future library services? Are there traditional services that require less support while new emerging services require increased support? Input from focus group participants will assist us in identifying the most important issues facing the Hackelmeier Library and Instructional Technology Services and hopefully suggest a means of best addressing those issues.

Faculty Session 1- March 25th Notes

How do you use the library?

  • primarily for books, recreation use
  • public library use has changed – using web services very often to order items, not browsing
  • not using library for work-related research
  • feels like the physical space is good for services, students
  • have heard some students complain about increased noise

How are your information needs changing/will change

  • still most comfortable reading from hard copy
  • professional work is much more electronic – changing skills to accommodate this.
    Seems to be a need for electronic archiving on campus, but no one seems to be doing it
  • Validation of information – concerned that students cannot distinguish good info, especially w/web sources
  • would like to see more done to educate all on source evaluation(Freshman Experience discussion, jump-start/stand alone session a possibility)
  • CAMs and the library - need to do more/increased presence

What new technology would you like to see in the library/instructional technology?

  • students want chat support/after hours support
  • scanning opportunities
  • hosting capabilities for webinars, more support for that kind of technology
    (Discussion of scanning issues on campus, in library; want to develop more in this area)
  • Is there a need for basic technology training for professional staff?
    not really, except maybe for new staff; most learn what is necessary for the job
    (Discussion: standardization of skills sets – Outlook, etc. – should go through HR mandate)
  • What do you like most/least about library and instructional technology?
    doesn’t like idea that only faculty are involved with instructional technology; staff may not teach class, but still use the same technology and need support, or are in position of instructing students on using technology (registration, financial aid, etc)
    (Inst. Tech. can work with offices to help them develop training materials, etc)
  • extend IT emails to staff
  • would like written instructions for using tech classrooms
  • tech classrooms should be standardized
  • rooms are poorly set up/hard to use
  • students are frustrated that faculty do not use CAMS, online grade
  • faculty need to do more online – grades, book orders, communications, etc.

Please feel free to post your own comments to this blog.


New and Leisurely Reading @Your Library

Toss aside your workaholic tendencies, throw on a leisure suit and get ready to READ!

Announcing the Leisure Reading Collection @Hackelmeier Memorial Library!

The Leisure Reading Collection is a rotating collection of popular and recently released books that will grow to roughly 250 titles by the end of the year. New titles arrive each month, and once the collection reaches the maximum, older titles will be removed to make room for new titles in the collection.

Best selling fiction and nonfiction, biography, novels,
science fiction, true crime and more – there is something for everyone. Stop by the second floor of the library, you can't miss the Leisure Reading Collection.

A sampling of current titles includes:

  • Duma Key / Stephen King
  • Beet / Roger Rosenblatt
  • I Am America and So Are You / Stephen Colbert
  • Quiet Strength / Tony Dungy
  • The Geography of Bliss / Eric Weiner
  • Change of Heart / Jodi Picoult
  • Dragons of Babel / Michael Swanwick
  • Farm Sanctuary / Gene Bauer
  • Book of the Dead / Patricia Cornwell
  • Firefly Lane / Kristin Hannah
Once or twice a month, the library website will feature brief descriptions of new books in the Leisure Reading Collection, reviews and recommendations. Look for the Leisure logo; it’s your guide to what’s New and Leisurely @Your Library!


Another new face @ HML


I'm Kata Koppel, another new addition to the library staff here at Marian. I'll be responsible for the usual library duties, answering your questions and helping out with the library technology. I'll also be providing training for faculty, staff and students on new technologies as well as helping with scanning, video editing and more! We have lots of great plans for the library.

About me? I'm originally from southeastern Indiana and have my library degree from IUPUI, but have spent the last 3 years in New Jersey at a small community college. When I'm not working, I enjoy traveling, knitting, visiting historic sites, and going to Broadway shows in New York (my goal is to go to a show in all 39+ Broadway theatres - I'm up to 27!) I'm also working on my Guitar Hero III skills just in case I decide to ever stop being a librarian and become a professional gamer!

Please don't hesitate to stop me and ask for help or just to say hello. I look forward to meeting everyone!