Did Cupid’s arrow woefully misfire AGAIN? Have you had it up to here with all things pink, red and heart-shaped? If so, step away that big bag of half-price candy you bought on the 15th and head over to the library today for a little post-Valentine bailout. We can’t guarantee it will change your life, but it might be fun.
Grab Bag of Love
(Get your mind out of the gutter – this is a G, or at least PG-rated promotion)
Pick up a free novel while they last! Might be a romance, might be a thriller. It’s a grab bag – the books will be wrapped up, so you get what you get. Kinda like internet dating.
n.b. I’m sorry, but the copy of “Truly, Madly, Viking” has already been snapped up.
Offbeat Love Stories a la Hollywood
If romance novels aren’t your thing, perhaps checking out a DVD will cheer you up. Okay, maybe they aren’t romantic standards, but haven’t we all had enough of that for a while?
Lars and the Real Girl 233V
Love and commitment in the frozen north, with bowling.
Borat 125V
Unrequited love, Pamela Anderson, and a road trip! Hah! Didn’t realize Borat qualified as a romance, did you?
Love Guru 1592V
Mike Myers, Jessica Alba and a chastity belt. Hearts, flowers and a really awful accent.
Wristcutters: A Love Story 1512V
Love and hitchhiking in a place that is not quite purgatory, not quite afterlife. Good times!
Dr. Strangelove 72V
Okay, so this has nothing to do with romance, offbeat or otherwise. But it has “love” in the title, so it’s on the list. A classic, just not a romantic classic.
Juno 1501V
Are Juno MacGuff and Paulie Bleeker the next Bradgelina? Probably not, but theirs is not typical Hollywood romance, either.
The Grab Bag of Love will be located on the first floor of the library, while supplies last. The DVD collection is located on the second floor of the library, near the Leisure Collection books. So, shake off that lovelorn attitude and stop in for some post-Cupid bailout fun, @YourLibrary!
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