
Focus Group Sessions

Hackelmeier Memorial Library wants your input. As part of the strategic planning process we are asking faculty, staff, and students to assist us in gathering information to assist in creating the library of the future at Marian College. We are asking ourselves, what kind of impact will the various opportunities and challenges inherent in an "Idea" economy have on future library services? Are there traditional services that require less support while new emerging services require increased support? Input from focus group participants will assist us in identifying the most important issues facing the Hackelmeier Library and Instructional Technology Services and hopefully suggest a means of best addressing those issues.

Faculty Session 1- March 25th Notes

How do you use the library?

  • primarily for books, recreation use
  • public library use has changed – using web services very often to order items, not browsing
  • not using library for work-related research
  • feels like the physical space is good for services, students
  • have heard some students complain about increased noise

How are your information needs changing/will change

  • still most comfortable reading from hard copy
  • professional work is much more electronic – changing skills to accommodate this.
    Seems to be a need for electronic archiving on campus, but no one seems to be doing it
  • Validation of information – concerned that students cannot distinguish good info, especially w/web sources
  • would like to see more done to educate all on source evaluation(Freshman Experience discussion, jump-start/stand alone session a possibility)
  • CAMs and the library - need to do more/increased presence

What new technology would you like to see in the library/instructional technology?

  • students want chat support/after hours support
  • scanning opportunities
  • hosting capabilities for webinars, more support for that kind of technology
    (Discussion of scanning issues on campus, in library; want to develop more in this area)
  • Is there a need for basic technology training for professional staff?
    not really, except maybe for new staff; most learn what is necessary for the job
    (Discussion: standardization of skills sets – Outlook, etc. – should go through HR mandate)
  • What do you like most/least about library and instructional technology?
    doesn’t like idea that only faculty are involved with instructional technology; staff may not teach class, but still use the same technology and need support, or are in position of instructing students on using technology (registration, financial aid, etc)
    (Inst. Tech. can work with offices to help them develop training materials, etc)
  • extend IT emails to staff
  • would like written instructions for using tech classrooms
  • tech classrooms should be standardized
  • rooms are poorly set up/hard to use
  • students are frustrated that faculty do not use CAMS, online grade
  • faculty need to do more online – grades, book orders, communications, etc.

Please feel free to post your own comments to this blog.

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