Head full of facts? Hands numb from writing? Eyes heavy from sleep? Take a few minutes to stop your research and make some art.
Scribbler is a "generative illustration toy" that starts out looking like MS Paint. Use the cursor to draw whatever you want and then start the process.
Scribbler starts filling in lines and making connections that you may not have even realized were there. It makes even the most basic haphazard lines look like it might be able to hang in a contemporary art museum. I am sure you could get some really neat images from this.
You can play with the settings if you want to go pro, and just do a print screen and paste into Microsoft's Paint program that is on every PC in campus to crop and save as a JPEG.
You can stop it at any point in the process if you like what you see or let it continue to see where it's going. Enjoy Web 2.0
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