Taxes --- ARGH!!
Yes, the tax man cometh --- as if the arctic temps and seasonal affective disorder isn't enough to push me over the edge. My various personal financial forms are trickling in and I'm casting about for the appropriate bribe that will convince my brother-in-law to once again act as my personal tax consultant. Contemplating the completion of those evil forms is my least favorite thing to do -- taking my car in for an oil change tops the list. If bribery doesn't work I'll probably just whine a little to my sister and bring up all the "free" babysitting I've provided over the last year. I plan to use any leverage available to me!
I'm sure I'n not alone and to make life easy you can download IRS and Indiana tax forms at these links
Indiana State:
Feel free to ask a librarian at the Reference Desk for assistance when downloading forms.
Also, the IRS provides tax tips and this one is worth reading in full, IRS TAX TIP 2009-06…Be aware of e-mail scams that fraudulently use the IRS name or Logo as a lure. The goal of the scam is to trick people into revealing personal and financial information, such as Social Security, bank account or credit card numbers, which the scammers can use to commit identity theft and steal your money. [snipped]