A forum for news, reviews, and (ir)relevent comments from the librarians.
Habent sua fata libelli. (It's latin.)
Upgrades to library computer lab L008
During this time, please use the computing areas on the library's 1st and 2nd floor or the Marian Hall 304 lab.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.
New look, better research!

One of our more popular databases providers, Ebsco, has undergone an "interface lift". Don't be alarmed, the services haven't changed. Actually, there are even more options with the new searching interface, including a new "visual search" option. Here's a new reason to start your research early. Ask a librarian if you have any questions about it. Happy searching!
Summer Reading @Your Library

Alas, the dog days of summer are upon us.
The mercury is rising, along with tempers, hemlines and gas prices. Need a break?
Consider the Leisure Reading Collection in the
Located on the north wall of the second floor (conveniently near the DVD collection!), the Leisure Reading Collection has much to offer – novels, romance, biography, fantasy, true crime and more!
Need an excuse to get out of the office? Come on over and browse the shelves!
Insomniac? Browse the Leisure Reading Collection online -- just click on the Recent books from my library link, just to the right of this posting. This will connect you to a mini-catalog of all the books in the Leisure Reading Collection.
Here are a few suggestions from the Leisure Reading Collection, inspired by some favorite (and not so favorite) summer activities:
Man vs. Wild: Survival Techniques from the Most Dangerous Places on Earth / Bear Grylls
T is for Trespass / Sue Grafton
Turning Tables / Heather MacDowell
Even Cat Sitters Get the Blues / Blaize Clement
Family reunions
Fear and Yoga in
The Heir / Barbara Taylor Bradford
Beach Vacations
Atomic Lobster / Tim Dorsey
Rough morning at the farmer’s market
Beet / Roger Rosenblatt
The Garden of Last Days / Andre Dubus III
Farm Sanctuary: Changing Hearts and Minds About Animals and Food / Gene Bauer
Road trips
Farewell, My Subaru: An Epic Adventure in Local Living / Doug Fine
Looking for Salvation at the Dairy Queen / Susan Gregg Gilmore
Napping in the hammock
The Somnambulist / Jonathan Barnes
The Geography of Bliss / Eric Weiner
Neighborhood cookouts
When You Are Engulfed in Flames / David Sedaris
The Idiot Girl and the Flaming Tantrum of Death / Lori Notaro